Our characteristic for term 4 is Honesty.
At Topolino we offer children the opportunity to learn about the theoretical history of Drama and Dance, as well as to express themselves individually or within a group, in forms of various dramatical sketches and dancing styles. This builds confidence, encourages children to work together in a group, and it develops emotional intelligence as they are encouraged to act out a variety of emotions, in a safe environment. Drama and Dance improve creativity, and encourage creative people to see things differently and to generate new ideas. The children are encouraged to express themselves verbally and physically (using facial expressions and body language), a key to effective communication. Drama and Dance also helps to nurture and build friendships, because the children often have to work together to communicate a message using an art form, and they have fun and laughter throughout the process.
A music-based education programme for children, using the power and joy of music-making to help children build a strong foundation for a lifetime love for learning.
Why is it beneficial to your child?
Musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills.
Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness i.e. intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. Music also helps strengthen memory skills.
In addition to the developmental benefits of music, why is music important?
Simply put, it provides us with joy.
(This program is incorporated into the Topolino Pre-Primary syllabus, for all children attending the school)
A children’s creative programme enhancing the child’s creative skills by using pottery and craft lessons as a medium.
Creativity requires whole-brain thinking coupled with right-brain imagination, artistry and intuition, and left-brain logic and planning. In these lessons the children are given a two-pronged approach – using the right-brain they can use their imagination and use guided freedom to experiment on a creation and using the left-brain to plan their creation and follow the necessary steps.
In Beau-Art the children make their own creations while having a clay pot full of fun!
(These classes are offered as an optional extramural for children attending Topolino.)
If your child has expressed an interest in dance and longs for her own satin slippers and pink tutu, consider enrolling her in this preschool extra mural class. Ballet promotes physical strength and agility, can boost concentration, develops an understanding of music and rhythm and generates a love of movement.
Why is ballet beneficial to your child?
Physical Benefits: It improves muscular strength, flexibility and range of motion. Ballet training also boosts coordination and balance while correcting poor alignment. Ballet can improve body awareness and physical self-control.
Emotional Benefits: Training in ballet instils a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost self-esteem in a child.
Educational Benefits: Ballet training exposes students to a combination of movement, music and performance. The children enhance their sensory awareness, cognitive skills i.e. attention, memory and learning.
(These classes are offered as an optional extramural for children attending Topolino Pre-Primary)
K2H is an internationally accredited music school offering quality tuition in various instruments and genres. Our acclaimed teachers passionately fuel our students’ musical dreams and aspirations. Using only professional and quality instruments & equipment enable us to maintain an international level of tuition. We cater for lessons in person and virtual!
Topolino Piccoli Group Music Program
View it by clicking HERE
Topolino Student Introduction
Topolino offers junior and senior children with passion for, and talent in singing, the opportunity to be part of a choir. During the third term the choirs take part in the prestigious West Boland Eisteddfod. In 2017 our Junior choir received a silver plus certificate, whilst our Senior choir received gold plus. Our choirs have been invited to sing with the famous singing and instrumental group, Zamar. Next year we plan to participate in the nationally broadcast television programme, Sing in Harmonie. To be part of the Topolino choirs is to be part of a family that makes music from its heart. Come and listen for yourself…
By Topolino word kuns aangebied as deel van die vak kuns en kultuur. Die leerders se kreatiwiteit en liefde vir kuns word ontwikkel deur die twee afdelings, nl. Kunsteorie en prakties. In kunsteorie word hul op ‘n kreatiewe manier bekend gestel aan verskillende tipes kuns; kleurteorie; kunselemente en kunsbeginsels; inspirerende kunstenaars en waardering vir kuns; om maar ‘n paar te noem. Kuns prakties fokus op die belewing van bepaalde temas – daar word fyn waargeneem, geluister, gevoel en soms geruik en geproe ook! Leerders kry dan die geleentheid om heerlik te eksperimenteer met ‘n verskeidenheid media en tegnieke.
Kunswerke word jaarliks ingeskryf vir die Wes-Boland Eisteddfod met skitterende resultate. Leerders neem ook deel aan die kunsafdeling van die jaarlikse Kultuur Interskole. In die Topolino kunsklas word leerders op ‘n prettige ontdekkingsreis geneem en word sodoende tot kreatiewe hoogtes geïspireer wat elkeen se uniekheid weerspieël.
Chess is a wonderful game that can be played throughout one’s life. Children at Topolino have the opportunity to learn how to play it, as well as, compete in a number of tournaments throughout the year. The lower West Coast tournament, the West Coast tournament (in which the Lower and Upper West Coast compete), Western Cape and ultimately the South African championships, and many friendlies in between, ensure that children who love competing, have the opportunity. We practise once a week for ¾ an hour (Juniors) and one hour (seniors). Children who are not necessarily sporty (physically) also get an opportunity to shine at something, whilst representing their school, and having fun!
In ‘n Christelike privaatskool soos Topolino, het ons die voorreg om nie net ‘n biblioteek te hê waar ons kinders toegang tot beide fiksie en nie-fiksie boeke het nie, maar ook die voorreg het om die Belangrikste Boek in hul lewens (die Bybel) te leer ken en te gebruik as soveel meer as net ‘n storietjie voor slaaptyd.
In a Christian Private School like Topolino we have the wonderful privilege to have, not only a library with a fiction and non-fiction section, but also the chance and privilege to get to know and use the Most Important Book (the Bible) as so much more than just a bedtime story.
Groot opgewondenheid heers in Augustus as die juniors aantree vir hul uitstappie om Vlooi in die Artscape Teater te gaan kyk. Vir baie maats is dit hul eerste busrit en eerste besoek aan ‘n teater. Die leerders word vermaak met puik toneelspel en mag dans en hande klap op die maat van die musiek. Elke karaktertjie uit hul Storieboom leesreeks word lewendig.
Ons sluit ‘n lekker piekniek in en doen dan ook opvoedkundige besoeke aan plekke soos die akwarium, planetarium en die Krokodilplaas.
Die Jeugtrustkamp is ‘n opvoedkundige kamp wat jaarliks vir ons senior leerders aangebied word. Hierdie kamp vind gedurende die vierde kwartaal plaas en alle leerders van graad 4-7 word aangemoedig om dit by te woon. Die kamp is van groot opvoedkundige waarde, omdat dit die leerders uit hul gemaksone haal en hul kan dan deur selfontdekking en interaksie met die omgewing, nuwe vaardighede aanleer en God se skepping ervaar. Elke jaar word die kamp op verskillende terreine aangebied, nl. Jonkershoek, Melkbos, of Wellington. Hierdie kampe word gelei deur ‘n gekwalifiseerde kampleier en die leerders word deur 5 personeellede van Topolino vergesel.
Dit is moeilik om die mooie natuurskoon te groet en terug te keer skool toe na 3 dae. Dit is werklik ‘n wonderlike buitelug klaskamer.
10 Breë Street, Langebaan
(behind Sunny Park)
Tel: +27 22 772 2882
45 Sunbird Drive, Langebaan
Tel: +27 22 772 1132