Our characteristic for term 4 is Honesty.
Topolino is a parallel medium Christian private school from pre-primary to grade 7. The school is situated in the peaceful Myburgh Park area, with views over Langebaan Lagoon, en route to the West Coast National Park.
In 1999, as a family, we had the vision to start a Christian school where Jesus Christ is recognized as the King and where individuals are acknowledged.
Our children, Wenike and Deon-Thys, had the opportunity to spend their primary school years here. Every stone, door and old window is the handiwork of Petrie, my husband.
From a home school in 1999 with just 6 learners, where we first used the spare room of our house as a classroom, to today, where we have since grown to a fully-fledged school with the capacity of 280 learners from grade 1 to 7 and potentially 120 pre-primary barefoot children. To run a school successfully, shared responsibility is needed. That is why the parents and communities of Langebaan, Velddrif, Vredenburg and Saldanha play a significant role in establishing Topolino as a beacon of the West Coast.
Every staff member shares the passion to hone every jewel entrusted to us to his / her God-given potential. We take responsibility for our decision to teach each child in totality. We teach our children: “Winners take responsibility, but losers blame each other “.
The greatest triumph for our staff is to send brave gr. 7 learners to high school knowing who they are, recognizing God in everything and who set out to make a difference. Learners who choose to achieve! We just plant the seed and water it- God will make it grow.
May many more children enter our “love zone” to learn what it means to set and achieve your own goals. To not measure yourself against others and to be able to laugh out loud without holding back!
As gesin het ons in 1999 die visie gehad om ‘n Christenskool te begin waar Jesus Christus as die Koning erken word en waar individue raakgesien word. Ons kinders, Wenike en Deon-Thys het self die geleentheid gehad om hul laerskooljare hier deur te bring. Elke klippie, deur en ou venster is die handewerk van Petrie, my man.
Van ‘n huisskool met 6 leerders het ons in 1999 eers die spaarkamer as klas gebruik en sedertdien gegroei na ‘n skool met die kapasiteit van 280 leerders van graad 1 tot 7 en potensiële 120 voorskoolse kaalvoet-kindertjies. Om n skool suksesvol te bestuur, is gedeelde verantwoordelikheid nodig. Daarom speel die ouers en gemeenskappe van Langebaan, Velddrif en Saldanha ‘n beduidende rol om Topolino as baken van die Weskus te erken.
Elke personeellid deel die passie om elke juweel aan ons toevertrou, te slyp tot sy/haar Godgegewe potensiaal. Ons neem verantwoordelikheid vir ons besluite om elke kind in totaliteit te onderrig. Ons leer ons kinders: “Winners take responsibility, but losers blame each other”
Die grootste bevrediging van ons personeel is om brawe gr.7 leerders na hoërskole te stuur wat weet wie hulle is, wat God in alles te erken en leerders wat ‘n verskil maak. Leerders wat kies om te kan! Ons plant net die saad en gooi dit nat-God sal dit laat groei.
Mag daar nog baie kinders ons “love-zone” betree om te leer wat dit beteken om jou eie doelwitte te stel en dit te bereik. Om jouself nie aan ander te meet nie en om hardop te lag, sonder om om te kyk!

10 Breë Street, Langebaan
(behind Sunny Park)
Tel: +27 22 772 2882
45 Sunbird Drive, Langebaan
Tel: +27 22 772 1132